Warring Emotions

I am deeply upset right now since my sweet old camera died on me. It had a good full life re-crossing the country several times, experiencing the sights of numerous states and even other countries. The warning signs for its ultimate demise were there: the numerous falls, the permanent black scratch on the screen, its passion for turning itself off, etc. Still, I used my camera pretty much every day and I'm not sure when I will be getting another one...

On a MUCH brighter note I am leaving Nowhere PA for the day and heading to Somewhere MD! A couple of hours in a car with old friends and a mall at the end of the road seems like just the distraction I need to forget about the death of my dear friend right now. I may be holding a wake for my camera some day next week--I will dress all in black and deny all technology for 24 hrs.

Have a marvelous weekend all!

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