All The Boys Think She's A Spy

You had best be on the lookout: I've got eyes in the back of my...back. I alluded to this DIY earlier and like many of my DIYs there aren't really effective 'before' pictures or steps to follow. I merely hunted down a cheap trench so I wouldn't be afraid to ruin it and then free-handed the eyes with a fabric paint pen (which is why the right eye doesn't match the left perfectly).
I'm not certain I'm finished with this trench, I'd like to add something on the front. Any ideas? I was thinking a trompe l'oeil hand or watch...
Certain clothes carry an attitude with them and merely by getting dressed you can embody that posture. Trench coats always remind me of old Hollywood from Casablanca to Breakfast At Tiffany's and a whole lot in between. Which means while wearing them I can envision both Humphrey Bogart and Audrey Hepburn, which is quite the contrast. It's also the perfect garment for days when you want to feel like a French spy.

Outfit details:
DIY'd trench
Urban Outfitters dress
Walmart tights
Bloch wedges via Giltfuse

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